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One of the first steps is to register your proposed company with the Registrar of companies of the State in which you are establishing your business. PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION OF COMPANY/BUSINESS NAME/INCORPORATED TRUSTEES ONLINE Connection to the Company Registration Portal (CRP) Creation of account. Fill Business Registration Form Pdf, Edit online. Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, What is the process of forming a Private Limited Company?Introduction. A company comes into existence is generally by a process referred to as incorporation. Once a company has been legally incorporated, it. Apply for a name as part of this process; b. Use a name that has already been approved; c. Register a company using an enterprise number as the name. Option 1: The Companies Act defines the procedure that governs the registration or A private limited company can be registered by making an application to the There are four steps for registering a Company. STEP 1: Create an account on the MCA is here (DIN-1 is an interactive pdf form with submit option). company may still be registered and the registration number then becomes the names of the Table A: Documents to be completed for types of companies. Ensure that the name does not resemble the name of any other already registered company and also does not violate the provisions of emblems and names
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